Poll: Majority of Americans think the Trump presidency is a failure
Donald Trump has been president for 200 days, and the majority of Americans think his administration has been a failure.
That's at least according to a new CNN poll released on Tuesday which found that 59 percent of Americans now say the Trump White House has been a failure.
The survey also found that 36 percent say the president has been successful. But when it comes to trust, that number is even lower.
Click through states with the highest and lowest Trump job approval ratings:
Just 24 percent of survey takers say that they trust the information coming out the White House.
Among the president's base in the Republican party, his support has also seen a sharp decline.
In February, the president had a 73 percent approval rating among Republicans, that number is now at 59 percent.
This latest wave of poor polling numbers come after White House counselor Kellyanne Conway recently said the president needs to get his numbers moving in a positive direction.
"His approval rating among Republicans and conservatives and Trump voters is down slightly. It needs to go up. They are telling him just enact your program. Don't worry about a Congress that isn't supporting legislation to get big-ticket items done," Conway said during a recent appearance on ABC's This Week.