Elizabeth Warren says she's 'not running for president'
One of President Trump's biggest critics Senator Elizabeth Warren held a town hall meeting Friday where she explained her sight is set on pushing back Trump's agenda and not on the White House.
Warren has been rumored to possibly run for office in 2020, but on Friday at the town hall meeting, she brushed of talks of presidential run by saying "I'm doing my job every single day. I am not running for president, I'm doing my work."
The Cambridge Democrat, who is up for re-election next year, went on the offensive against Trump, calling his behavior with the Russians "reckless and irresponsible."
Click through people who might run against Trump in 2020:
She also acknowledged she's "happy to see unemployment down," but she said it doesn't mean the economy is working for most Americans.
""Every day that goes by, we are paying a price in America for Donald Trump's reckless and irresponsible behavior with the Russians and that needs to come to come to an end and it needs to happen quickly," she said.