Your April energy horoscope: How to embrace your dark side

It's not just the stars and planets that can give you a heads-up on what's about to happen—an energy forecast can also serve as a metaphysical roadmap for the month ahead. Think of it as a woo-woo weather report, which spiritual healers—like Alyson Charles (AKA RockStar Shaman)—can tap into, interpret, and share.

Want to know what the universe has in store this month? Keep reading for her cosmic divination for April—where she'll prep you for what's coming, equip you with the tools you need to handle it like a boss, plus share the spirit animal she says you'll want to channel as a symbolic guide to help you on your path to self-actualization.

Last month's energy forecast was about giving yourself permission to let your light shine brighter. That willingness to stop holding yourself back now takes you into the deeply divine, rich, and potent energies of April, the theme of which is revelation.

April's energies have this amazing quality of showing you that beauty can be hidden in surprising places—ones that may appear to be dark.

April's energies have this amazing quality of showing you that beauty can be hidden in surprising places—ones that may appear to be dark. It asks you to begin expanding your mind, to really be aware of old, fixed, outmoded story lines. Begin asking yourself: "Is that thought or belief absolutely true? Or can I stretch beyond that way of thinking to something that feels even more limitless, open, and powerful? Can I begin to view myself as a magical, multi-dimensional warrior?"

If you want to truly dive into the energies of this month, breathe into your heart center four times and know that you're supported as you start to open additional dimensions of yourself. Envision unlocking a treasure chest; see waves of gold energy rising up and out of the box and washing over you. These waves will comfort you as you now let yourself experience life, expanding your perception of others and yourself to new paradigms and realms.

Keep reading for a deeper look into what this month has in store, energetically speaking.

Your internal magic is about to come out of hibernation

The most powerful way to unlock your magic is by readying your soul to see shadow aspects of yourself—certain traits or behaviors you've turned a blind eye to because you feel shame or embarrassment for possessing them. They scare you, or you fear that other people will reject you if they knew they were a part of your personality.

Allow yourself to face and acknowledge what appear to be these "scary" or "ugly" aspects—this is where the magic, light, and beauty in you is stored! That's because, ironically, it's when you're ready to let these parts come forth that your heart opens. You'll embody whole power and awaken to a way of experiencing yourself, life, and others that's so filled with miracles, it'll blow your mind—I told you April is deeply divine, rich and potent!

In order to navigate this month's energy in a healthy way, remember: Shadow work takes courage.

In order to navigate this month's energy in a healthy way, remember: Shadow work takes courage. Having these revelations about yourself may require support—process what's coming forth with a trusted friend, therapist, or healer.

Another way of channeling April's energy is by working with shades of pink. Carry rose quartz crystals; fill your aura with the color; plant pink flowers. Allow its essence to care for you this month.

Because April asks us to see things in a new way and work with shadow, it's important to remind yourself that with the revelation comes magic, and the best way to balance the intensity of it is with play! Get fresh air, swing on a swing, have a sense of humor about the strangeness and absurdity of our earthly lessons. Make sure to do something fun on Earth Day, April 22— this will both honor Gaia (Mother Earth) and communicate that you have the ability to experience beauty in trying times.

April's spirit animal: the tiger

The tiger gives you the medicine of courage and asks you to remain calm, breathe in, and trust that you're ready to go deeper in life.

This month brings unpredictability in events, plans, etc. Not everyone is equipped with healthy coping mechanisms for this. You may bear witness to more ferociousness or "claws coming out" in others—but please do your part to move in another way that the tiger does: quietly, stealthily, having strength in the face of adversity.

The more we confront ourselves, the more peaceful and powerful we are.

Remember that this month isn't to be feared, but embraced! The more we confront ourselves, the more peaceful and powerful we are. That's our reward for having the bravery of a warrior to see shadow.

True power isn't a loud, raging force, but rather a calm, clear, centered knowingness that is filled with love, compassion, and forgiveness. This month promises to open much more of your greatest potential, and it's all done through revelation.

Alyson Charles, AKA RockStar Shaman, channels ancient, sacred knowledge and divine energy through her work as a wellness guide to celebrities and CEOs. O Magazine named her method a "Top Meditation to Try."

And Charles, a national champion runner and international TV and radio host, now uses her calling to shamanism to teach people how to awaken their power through partnerships with high-vibe brands like THINX, W Hotel, The William Vale, The New York Times, National Geographic Channel, and Forbes.

For more ways to manifest the metaphysical in your life, here's how to boost your happiness and career based on your astrological sign.
