Donald Trump's take on 10 bestselling business books


After the last debate, a hashtag comes alive.

Absurdly Driven looks at the world of business with a skeptical eye and a firmly rooted tongue in cheek.

There's no debate.

The last presidential debate was the worst. It slightly under-performed the previous two by 23 percentage points on the HellNo Scale.

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Still, out of it has come some (a lot of) humor.

The hashtag #TrumpBookReport has emerged. It offers succinct, Trump-like summaries of the world's great books.

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Here, then, are 10 business books given the Trumped-up treatment.

1. The Innovator's Dilemma.

No one knows innovation better than me. I taught Steve Jobs everything. We were both Democrats then. I evolved. He didn't. Disgusting.

2. Good To Great.

Many people are saying this was my greatest book. It wasn't. They were all the greatest. Bigly.

3. The Tipping Point.

I knew Hillary would reach it. I said so before anyone else was saying it. Then she finally tipped over. I got a lot of credit for that.

4. Lean In.

This is a book for women. No one knows women better than me. I'm a better woman than Hillary Clinton.

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5. The Black Swan.

She lived in the inner city. She got shot flying to the store. Sad!

6. How To Win Friends And Influence People.

I started with nothing. But people liked me. I stiffed them. They were happy.

7. The One-Minute Manager.

I have the best words. I know how to do deals. I've built a yuge business. It took me just a minute to write this.

8. Who Moved My Cheese?

It was her and her people. She did it. Everyone knows it. It's on the internet. Take a look.

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9. The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People.

Win. Win. Win. Win. Win. Win. Win. Win. Win. That's 7, right? Well, my accountant says it is.

10. The Age Of Unreason.

Excuse me, where's reason ever got us? Who ever got rich by being reasonable? China is killing us by being unreasonable. Disgusting.

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