6 places to find freelance writing jobs

The Freelance Economy
The Freelance Economy

If you have ever read about work-at-home opportunities, freelance writing was probably listed as a top choice. While freelance writing offers a lot of flexibility for those who enjoy stringing words together, it is not always easy to find writing jobs.

We've already linked you to 22 websites that pay individuals to write articles for money. That is a great list to start with. I strongly recommend pitching directly to websites that are open to submissions, since they will pay for your work and can help build up your portfolio.

Here are six other sources will connect you to a mass of writing jobs and individuals looking for regular writers.

1. ProBlogger's Job Board

ProBlogger is one of the top authorities on blogging. The ProBlogger Job Board is updated daily with unique writing positions. Companies pay ProBlogger directly to advertise their open positions, which I have found to mean two things. First, many of the positions pay pretty well. Secondly, since ProBlogger is the creator of this job board, you aren't going to see the same ad over and over again, like you might on Craigslist.

2. Craigslist

Finding a writing position on Craigslist should be approached with caution. There are many new websites that seek writing services, yet they do not offer compensation, or offer the bare minimum. Look for legitimate websites and make sure compensation is clear before starting. A sign of a good company is one that asks you to fill out a W-9 form.

With that being said, I have written for some great companies through my search on Craigslist. I recommend searching under Craigslist's writing/editing section. Also, try searching for writing jobs in large cities across America. (See also:11 Freelance Jobs That Pay Surprisingly Well)

3. FreelanceWriting.com Job Board

Another great site to check often is the job listings at FreelanceWriting.com. The site has been around since 1997 and pulls jobs listings from all across the Internet. You will find a wide variety of listings, but the listings do not seem to be updated daily. The site's Morning Coffee Newsletter sends new job listings to your email each weekday morning."

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4. LinkedIn

If you don't already have a LinkedIn profile that details your experience as a freelancer, then I strongly suggest you get one. LinkedIn has allowed me to search for remote freelance writing jobs with success. Even better, I have been contacted by recruiters for writing work.

I think it is also a good idea to follow other freelance writers to get an idea of who they are writing for.

5. MediaBistro

What I like about MediaBistro is that their listings are geared towards more professional writers. They have listings for all types of writers, including remote listings for freelancers and contractors.

6. Journalism Jobs

Journalism Jobs lists hundreds of writing positions across the U.S. While most jobs are for in-house positions, there is an option to search freelance positions. It's a good idea to add this to your weekly search routine. (See also: 10 Great Side Jobs for Introverts)

What to Avoid

There will be many job listings that make their way on Craigslist or other freelance writing boards that only pay $3–$4 per article. They write their ads to say individuals can earn $15–$30 an hour, and that it just depends on how fast you write. I recommend staying away from these types of jobs, too, since you basically become an article mill for others who will profit off of your hard work.

In the end, finding the best writing jobs for your experience level that fit your desired rate will take some time. Keep looking and keep building up your portfolio and experience. Almost a decade ago, I started writing online, and I can assure you that I did not make very much money at first. It took a lot of time, practice, and years of pitching to get paid a decent rate and to get regular freelance work.

Where do you find freelance writing gigs? Share with us!

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