This keyboard lets you search Google images without the need for a browser
For all those moments when text, punctuation and emoji aren't enough for communicating, there's now a keyboard with a built-in search feature that allows you to pull results directly from Google Images and paste them into your message.
Image Search Keyboard, available for free on iOS was developed by Rocketship. It's surprisingly quick considering it has to contact Google's servers and then deliver results back.
Once you've downloaded the app, go to Settings > General > Keyboard >Keyboards > Add New Keyboard, Tap Image Search twice then Allow Full Access to allow searching for images.
Tap the globe key on your keyboard once or more to switch to Image Search Keyboard.
For any lovers of Apple's grey and white keyboard, they'll have to learn to embrace the developer's all black and grey affair.
Today, Apple's iOS keyboard isn't the sealed off, tightly controlled experience of yesteryear. There's keyboards from Microsoft, a keyboard just for gifs and even a keyboard that lets you drag the whole Web into your messages with friends.