Former Mexican president Vincente Fox mocks Donald Trump's 'made in China' ties

Trump's Wall, Trade War With Mexico Will Backfire Says Vicente Fox
Trump's Wall, Trade War With Mexico Will Backfire Says Vicente Fox

Amid a campaign season in which presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has repeatedly promised to make Mexico pay for a massive border wall and has slammed foreign nations as "killing" the U.S. in trade, a former Mexican leader would like to know why Trump doesn't use American labor.

Vincente Fox Quesada, who was president of Mexico from 2000 to 2006, expertly taunted the real-estate billionaire on Friday with a photo of the "handmade in China" labels on Trump ties.

"Hey @realDonaldTrump, bringing jobs back to US — does that include your ties & shirts?" Fox wrote.

It's true. Trump's line of ties and shirts are made in China, Bangladesh or other countries, while his signature suits are manufactured in China as well. His daughter, Ivanka Trump, sells a different line of clothing, which Harvard professor Robert Lawrence told CNN Money appears to be comprised exclusively of imported items.

Trump has acknowledged the seeming hypocrisy before — according to him, current U.S. trade policies mean that producing the clothing stateside is too expensive.
