Bernie Sanders fans seek to lure Cruz supporters to their side

Bernie Sanders vows to fight on after Indiana victory
Bernie Sanders vows to fight on after Indiana victory

Bernie Sanders fans are attempting to recruit Ted Cruz supporters in their latest effort to prevent Hillary Clinton from securing the Democratic presidential nomination. After Cruz announced he's suspending his campaign following his Tuesday loss in Indiana, many Sanders supporters posted messages on Cruz's Facebook page urging his followers to instead join their fight against both Clinton and Donald Trump, who appears set to become the GOP nominee for president.

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"I realize how heavy your hearts must be that Senator Cruz has dropped out of the race," Sanders supporter Linda Humason wrote in a 1,150-word letter addressed to Cruz's fans on his Facebook page. "Furthermore, I understand the fear some of you must have for the future with Donald Trump being the Republican nominee ... I warmly welcome you to join us if you don't want Trump in the White House. I truly believe that Bernie is the best chance we have to keep Trump out."

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Another Sanders supporter, Mark Roe, offered a list of reasons why Cruz fans should back Sanders now that Cruz is out of the race. For one, Sanders is an independent, and "he has a very good congressional history," Roe wrote, adding: "He isn't Hillary Clinton (in my opinion, the BEST thing about him)."

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The attempt by Sanders fans to bolster their ranks appears to be inspired -- at least in part -- by posts on the subreddit r/SandersForPresident, which is the most active group of strong, grassroots supporters for any candidate on Reddit. Vocativ discovered at least three threads in which users highlighted the possibility of a fresh influx of support now that Cruz halted his campaign.

The effort could have some merit, if Cruz fans are so disenfranchised by the idea of Trump leading the Republican Party that they decide to vote for a Democrat. But it seems unlikely, at least at this point, that many will end up siding with Sanders; few Cruz supporters responded to Sanders fans' appeals, and those who did appeared hard-pressed to jump so far to the left, even if it does seem Trump is set to become the Republican nominee and face off against Clinton in November.

bernie sanders supporters
bernie sanders supporters
bernie sanders supporters
bernie sanders supporters
bernie sanders supporters
bernie sanders supporters
bernie sanders supporters
bernie sanders supporters
bernie sanders supporters
bernie sanders supporters

The post Bernie Sanders Fans Seek To Lure Cruz Supporters To Their Side appeared first on Vocativ.
