11 easy, natural ways to treat nearly all of your foot problems


When it comes to my feet, I like to make sure that they are always in tip-top shape.

There are so many potential health problems that can afflict the feet — like ingrown toenails, bunions, blisters, and even gout. But fortunately, there are quite a few easy at-home hacks for keeping these annoying — and often, painful— foot problems away.

Scroll through below for an exclusive list of natural ways to treat nearly all of your potential foot issues.

I had never heard of any of these. Who knew that rubbing antiperspirant on my heels could actually keep me from getting blisters?

Just like these simple exercises to prevent bunions, each of these methods is an inexpensive alternative to pricey creams and pills.

And while there are some very serious issues that require a trip to the doctor, I will definitely be trying out these easy at-home methods anytime I experience one of these foot problems from now on!

Which of these simple foot health hacks will you be trying? Let us know in the comments.

1. Use Listerine To Fight Nail Fungus

Maya Borenstein for LittleThings

It might sound strange, but Top 10 Home Remedies recommends soaking your feet in Listerine for 30 minutes to battle toenail fungus.

They write, "The mouthwash has several compounds as well as alcohol that act as a strong antiseptic to keep away harmful bacteria and fungi."

Other easy household fungus-fighters include apple cider vinegar, white vinegar, and lemon juice.

2. Battle Hammertoes With Simple Exercises

Maya Borenstein for LittleThings

Hammertoes can be extremely painful, but there are actually easy exercises you can do to provide relief, according to HealthCommunities.com.

They write, "Certain exercises such as moving and stretching your toe gently with your hands, and picking up small or soft objects such as marbles or towels can keep your toe joints flexible."

WebMD also recommends using ice packs to reduce swelling and padding the "pointy top of the toe joint."

3. Rub On Some Antiperspirant To Cure Blisters

Maya Borenstein for LittleThings

Dr. Jessica Wu tells Everyday Health that a great way to battle blisters is by rubbing antiperspirant on the area, "since foot blisters are worsened by moisture and friction."

But if putting antiperspirant on your foot isn't for you, there are plenty of other at-home remedies you can try, such as soaking your foot in brewed green tea.

Even a simple application of aloe vera can help cut down on the swelling and pain.

4. Squeeze On Red Pepper Juice To Combat Bunions

Maya Borenstein for LittleThings

While it might sound very strange, FindHomeRemedy.com writes, "Red pepper is full of a substance called capsaicin that eliminates the nerves of the compounds that cause pain and discomfort."

They suggest rubbing the juice from a pepper right onto the bunion, adding some Vaseline, and then covering it with gauze.

Dr. Andrew Weil also recommends alternating between soaking your feet in warm water and applying ice packs throughout the day. He even said that taking ginger and turmeric can help with "the inflammation and pain."

5. Put An Onion In Your Sock To Eliminate Corns

Maya Borenstein for LittleThings

Reader's Digest suggests soaking a slice of white onion in a container of white vinegar, and then applying the onion to the corn.

They write, "Cover the corn with the onion before you go to bed... If the corn is not soft enough to be removed in the morning, repeat the treatment nightly until it softens more."

The same can actually be done by dipping a slice of bread into some apple cider vinegar, and applying it directly to the corn.

6. Stop Heel Pain With Easy Stretches

Maya Borenstein for LittleThings

There are quite a few simple stretches that you can try in order to battle your heel pain.

Healthline writes, "While seated, roll your foot back and forth over a frozen water bottle, ice-cold can, or foam roller. Do this for one minute."

Experts also recommend stretching the calf as much and as often as possible, as well as giving yourself a deep-tissue massage in the heel.

7. Put Down The Soda To Prevent Gout

Maya Borenstein for LittleThings

According to Dr. Josh Axe, "A recent study showed that men who consumed two or more sugary drinks per day were 85 percent more likely to develop gout."

He recommends lowering your sugar intake, including sodas that are loaded with sugar or sweeteners.

Instead, he recommends eating cherries and strawberries every day "in order to combat the inflammation."

8. Treat Athlete's Foot With Fresh Garlic

Maya Borenstein for LittleThings

As bizarre as it might sound, the Global Healing Center suggests fresh garlic as just one way to fight athlete's foot naturally.

They write, "Make your feet stinkier by placing slices of fresh garlic, or some crushed garlic, between your toes and leaving them there for the day."

Dr. Andrew Weil also recommends giving your feet plenty of air, keeping your feet dry, and applying tea tree oil several times each day.

9. Apply Vicks VapoRub To Heal Ingrown Toenails

Maya Borenstein for LittleThings

While ingrown nails can be quite painful, HomeRemedyShop.com recommends applying Vicks VapoRub directly to the toenails.

They write, "This menthol-based ointment is also believed to be an excellent remedy for curing ingrown toenails... It gives relief from chronic pain in the ingrown toenail, and also encourages its fast healing."

Other easy home remedies include an Epsom salt foot bath or an apple cider vinegar rub.

10. Scrub With A Pumice Stone To Get Rid Of Dead Skin

Maya Borenstein for LittleThings

Many people suffer from dry or dead skin around the back, side, and bottom of the feet.

Livestrong.com suggests soaking your feet in water to soften the skin, and then scrubbing the dead cells away with a pumice stone.

They write, "A pumice stone is a porous volcanic rock you can buy in the foot care section at drugstores and beauty supply stores." After scrubbing, simply rinse away the dead skin.

11. Choose The Correct Footwear To Protect Your Feet Overall

Maya Borenstein for LittleThings

One of the key elements to preventing nearly all potential foot problems is selecting the proper shoes.

Dr. Elizabeth Kurtz tells Everyday Health, "Shoes that are too tight can cause long-term foot problems."

They suggest shoes that leave plenty of room for the toe and the heel, as cramping can lead to a variety of foot issues. Always pick a pair that gives you plenty of support and leaves you plenty of room.

These unique at-home remedies truly can make the difference in your long-term foot health.

Which natural method will you be trying out? Let us know in the comments.

Please SHARE this important foot health information with friends and family!

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