How to Assess a Veteran Job Candidate

Grand Rapids, Michigan - Military veterans look for work at a job fair at the Army Reserve Center.
Grand Rapids, Michigan - Military veterans look for work at a job fair at the Army Reserve Center.


By Peter A. Gudmundsson

When only 7.3 percent of the U.S. population has served in the U.S. military, it is not surprising that many corporate recruiters and hiring managers are unsure or at least unconfident about how to assess a veteran job candidate.

The best means for evaluating a job candidate, regardless of background, is to come to understand if she is able to do the work, willing to do the work and if she will be a cultural fit for your organization. Some call this a "can do, will do and fit" assessment. Military veterans are no different in this regard, but there are unique tips and tactics that can aid the interviewer when evaluating a veteran for a position.
