College Seniors: Do These 11 Things to Graduate With a Job

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By Laura McMullen

After you teetered and fell a few hundred times as a baby, you took your first steps as a toddler. After you practiced your English nouns and verbs in elementary school, you pored over Spanish homework in middle school. After you packed up the academic and personal lessons of high school -- along with your extra-long twin sheets -- you ventured off to college.

And after this year of college, you'll take another step toward the unknown. But this time you're not entering another phase of school -- you're beginning the rest of your life. "It's not just a thought in the future," says Debbie Kaylor, director of the Career Center at Boise State University in Idaho. "It's: 'ohmygosh what am I going to be doing one year from now when I don't have the security of college?' "
