8 Things That Make You Look Like a Weirdo to Hiring Managers

Nerd portrait
Nerd portrait


By Alison Green

Getting a job isn't just about having strong qualifications. It's also about being someone who hiring managers want to hire and work with every day. That means they're paying attention to how you operate and whether you understand business norms at every stage of the hiring process, from the very first contact.

There are a few things some job candidates do that function as flashing neon signs of weirdness to employers. Here are eight of them:

1. Sending flowers, candy or other gifts to the hiring manager. Some candidates still think this is a good way to stand out, but there's probably no faster way to make a hiring manager uncomfortable. Ifyou're not qualified for the job, sending a gift isn't going to change that. And if you are qualified for the job, you've now made the interviewer uncomfortable by implying that you think your qualifications aren't enough on their own, but that she might be swayed by some chocolate. It's tacky and ineffective.
