7 Daily Habits That Can Make You More Successful at Work

Businessman working on a laptop with a coffee.
Businessman working on a laptop with a coffee.


By Robin Madell

There's your job, and then there's how you go about doing your job. While your position itself (and how well it fits with your expertise and passion) certainly plays a role in your career success, your routines and rituals in the office can also affect your happiness and productivity. This includes what you do before and after work, as well as during your workdays.

Here are seven daily habits that, if practiced regularly, can boost your success at work:

1. Focus on strengths, not weaknesses.Sometimes, in an effort to be perfect, we channel valuable time and energy into trying to get good at things that aren't part of our natural aptitude. Charlotte Crivelli, co-founder of Klick Communications, believes this is a mistake. "At my company, we instill a culture that people should work on tasks that use their core strengths," she says. "We don't believe in wasting people's time getting them to improve their weaknesses. Someone else will be strong where they are weak, and it's my job to ensure everyone is working on what energizes them and not what depletes them." To take this advice to heart, make a habit of prioritizing as many of your truest skill sets as possible on a daily basis.
