Save on Back-to-School Supplies -- Savings Experiment

Save on Back to School Supplies
Save on Back to School Supplies

The final weeks of summer are here, and that means it's back-to-school season. Unfortunately, it can also mean more money out of your budget. Luckily, you don't have to pull an all-nighter to learn how to save a few bucks.

To start, check your supply closet. You might be surprised to find you have plenty of school supplies lying around already. Take what you find and simply gather them in a central location. Then make a list of what you have. This way, when you go to the store, you won't waste money on things you don't need.

Next, when it comes to timing, waiting a little can pay off big. Since most people will rush out to buy in August, but if you can hold out until September, you can find discounts of up to 75 percent off. Try waiting to buy that new backpack for just a few more months.

One last place to get more school supplies for less is at the dollar store. You'll find a lot things like pens, pencils and even tissues at super low prices, so go ahead and stock up for the whole school year.

As we head into back to school season, remember these tips. They'll help you can ace the back-to-school season without failing your budget.

