Here's the Biggest Challenge Faced By Netflix's New 'Unlimited Parental Leave' Policy - and How to Make It Work

France Netflix
APNetflix CEO Reed Hastings.

By Rachel Sugar

On Tuesday, Netflix announced its new unlimited parental leave policy. The idea, Netflix's Chief Talent Officer Tawni Cranz wrote on the company blog, is to allow new parents -- both moms and dads -- to "take as much time off as they want during the first year after a child's birth or adoption."

Instead of a fixed number of consecutive weeks off followed by a definitive return to the office -- the standard model, though the number of weeks can vary -- Netflix will allow employees to leave and then "return part-time, full-time, or return and then go back out as needed."

If the plan works as it's supposed to, each employee simply "figure[s] out what's best for them and their family," and then "works with their managers for coverage during their absences."
