How to Follow Your Dreams - While Still Paying Your Bills

Hipster woman stands on road

By Hannah Morgan

Younger Americans feel it's harder to eke out a living today, but it doesn't mean you have to give up your dream.

> Find a job in human resources
> Find a job in journalism

Sixty-eight percent of younger Americans think they have a harder time starting out than previous generations, while 80 percent of older Americans agree that getting started today is harder than when they were at the same point of life, according to the 23rd Allstate/National Journal Heartland Monitor Poll, released earlier this month.

"Young people want the 'American Dream' of homeownership, career and financial security, though they're working hard to achieve it on different paths compared to their parents and other generations," says Troy Hawkes, field senior vice president of Allstate, in a press release for the poll.
