Simple Fixes For Bad Spending Habits -- Savings Experiment

Simple Fixes For Bad Spending Habits
Simple Fixes For Bad Spending Habits

Have you ever walked into a store to pick up one item only to find yourself walking out with a whole lot more than you planned? It happens to the best of us, but thankfully there are some simple and effective ways to keep those bad spending habits in check.

First, if you'd like to cut down on your impulse buying, make a list and stick to it. It takes discipline, but doing this can potentially save you hundreds each year. Our emotions affect how and when we spend. Whenever you find yourself on a shopping spree, notice how you're feeling. If you can identify your emotional triggers, you can come up with alternate responses. For example, if you buy a snack every time you're feeling bored, try going for a walk instead.

Next, if you're frequently blowing cash on small purchases like coffee or snacks, there's a simple way to break the habit. Create a long-term goal, like going on a dream vacation or building up your savings account to a certain amount. Then, any time you're tempted to buy a few treats, put that money toward your goal.You might be surprised at how fast your savings can add up!

Lastly, if you have a hard time resisting daily deals popping up in your email, it might be time to unsubscribe from those mailing lists. Buying things you need is one thing, but if you're constantly purchasing restaurant coupons and teeth whitening services, you might be spending compulsively, so get off the lists and remove the temptation.

Don't let a few bad spending habits slow down your savings. While these strategies might seem like common sense, putting them into practice can be the key to a healthy budget.

