Minecraft: Story Mode is the latest from Telltale Games and Mojang


Minecraft is definitely one of the last games you'd expect to receive its very own adventure game by way of Telltale Games, but it's coming! And, like USgamer suggests, this is one of the best ways the company could have possibly went about expanding beyond the typical modes we're used to. The article details several ways that this can happen, and author Mike Williams details some of the failed ways others have tried to elevate the creative sandbox title to new heights. The potential Minecraft movie is touched upon, as well as the robust line of merchandise and items consumers can buy based on their favorite game. It's a great study on the product and the game itself, and we can't wait to get our hands on it! In the meantime, check out the video below and see why The Hunger Games star Josh Hutcherson is addicted to Minecraft!
