Game 6 of the 12 Games of Christmas: Airport Mania 2


This Christmas, the team has compiled a list -- and checked it twice –– of our very best holiday games. In addition to the regular Game of the Day selections, for these 12 days leading up to Christmas, we will be adding an additional game for your enjoyment.

We know many of you will be traveling during this holiday season, so for today's holiday game, we bring you Airport Mania 2 to get some practice before the hectic days of departure and arrival.

Time management is key in Airport Mania 2 as you will be tasked taking off and landing planes to a bunch of different locations and themed maps, including the North Pole to help a certain old man in a red suit deliver presents for Christmas.

If you want to check out more of our holiday-themed games, head over to our Holiday Category page where you can find hundreds more to keep your Christmas spirits up.

And the gifts keep coming! To further celebrate the 12 Games of Christmas, Big Fish and is offering a sale on the downloadable game, Chuzzle: Christmas Edition. Today only you can get the game for 60% off using the code CHUZZLE2014 at checkout.

Click here to get Chuzzle: Christmas Edition on the 12 Games of Christmas.
