Game 1 of the 12 Games of Christmas: Penguin Diner 2


It's the most wonderful time of the year to sit back and play some games.

And to make the long wait easier, the team has compiled a list -- and checked it twice –– of our very best holiday games. In addition to the regular Game of the Day selections, for these 12 days leading up to Christmas, we will be adding an additional game for your enjoyment.

On this first day, we have Penguin Diner 2.

Your time management skills will be put to the test in Penguin Diner 2 where, as it would seem, your goal is to run a diner full of penguins. Penguins let you know what they want in little, white speech bubbles, and you'll want to bring them what they ordered as quick as you can so you can get the highest score possible.

If you want to check out more of our holiday-themed games, head over to our Holiday Category page where you can find hundreds more to keep your Christmas spirits up.
