Thankful For Games: Our Top 3 Thanksgiving Games


It's the holiday season here at

To get you ready for the the big, diet-destroying feast that is Thanksgiving, the team has selected some of the best games from our Holiday Games page for your enjoyment.

1. Turkey Tumble

We all know what traditionally happens to turkeys at a Thanksgiving dinner, but in Turkey Tumble, your task couldn't be anymore different.

As a mother turkey, your job is to save baby turkeys falling from the sky by throwing them parachutes -- the more you save and safely land, the higher your score.

2. Piece of Pie

What's a Thanksgiving meal without the promise of an assortment of pies – apple, pumpkin, pecan - after to fill that stomach up even more?

In Piece of Pie, your task is to simply make the perfect apple pie. To do so, you'll make tiles that take you throw the whole process, starting from planting that first apple seed to making your pie.

3. Pumpkin Shot

If you thought you could escape the pumpkin craze in October, you were wrong. Pumpkins aren't just for Halloween, and we have a pumpkin-spiced game for you this Thanksgiving.

In Pumpkin Shot, your job is to set your aim at the orange pumpkins to destroy them. You're given a smaller green pumpkin to sling shot across the board in an attempt to clear all the pumpkins in one shot. If you're successful, you'll move on to the next level to destroy some more pumpkins.

But that's not all. Check out our Holiday Games page for more than 300 games that will get you in the mood for all that the holidays have to offer.
