What It's Like to Be a Private Eye

<b class="credit">Marianne Lentini</b>Veteran private investigator Marianne Lentini runs Evidence Investigations in Boynton Beach, FL.
Marianne LentiniVeteran private investigator Marianne Lentini runs Evidence Investigations in Boynton Beach, FL.

It's easy to romanticize being a private eye. We've all got that image of Dick Tracy in our minds (or Jim Rockford, or Philip Marlowe), suffusing the career with a bit of Old Hollywood intrigue: the haze of cigarette smoke, the tall, brooding man with the fedora and tormented voiceover.

Marianne Lentini is not a brooding man in a fedora. She's a friendly, outgoing woman from Boynton Beach, Florida, who listens to Tom Petty and teaches continuing education courses for insurance adjusters. She also happens to be a private investigator with over 20 years of experience.
