The Classes of Destiny


In Destiny there are three classes: Hunter, Titan, and Warlock; but how do you decide which class is best for you? Do you like to stealthily snipe your way past enemies like the Hunter, or do you prefer spell-casting? If that's the case the Warlock is for you. I personally like playing the tank-- busting through waves of NPCs, soaking up damage for my team. That's why I play the Titan.

USgamer is here with a guide to getting to know the classes. Whether you're jumping into a familiar rol or trying something knew, these tips are sure to help.


The Hunter begins the game with an auto-rifle and a sniper rifle. The sniper rifle trumps anything that you can get in the first few missions due to its range, power, and speed. Your primary weapon is a matter of taste, but an automatic or semi-automatic weapon is preferred for close encounters that negate the sniper rifle.

The Hunter's two subclasses are Gunslinger and Bladedancer. Gunslinger is the ranged subclass, while Bladedancer gets up close and personal with knives and the Arc Blade Supercharged ability. The Gunslinger is also pretty good with blades, though; once you gain the ability to throw knives in lieu of a melee attack, you can hit foes with the force of a melee attack at medium range.

How to Create the Best Hunter in Destiny


The Titan is intended to be the game's heavy character, wading into a firefight ahead of everyone else. The class begins the game with the same auto-rifle everyone else gets, but adds a shotgun instead of a sniper rifle. The shotgun can do some damage, but you have to get real close to make it happen, whereas the Hunter's sniper rifle can do more damage from far away.

Titans have the highest armor rating of the three classes, but early on, you probably won't feel invincible. Stick to cover to thin out the herd and then head out to punish your foes when there are only one or two enemies left.

The Titan's subclasses include the Striker and the Defender. The Striker is the offensive heavy of the game, while the Defender is all about soaking up damage for your fireteam.

How to Create the Best Titan in Destiny


The Warlock isn't the greatest offensive character, but for those who are patient and are happy to use line of sight, Fast Recovery makes it a great all-rounder. I can't understand why the character comes with a Shotgun as a second weapon. It's fine, but upgrading to a Sniper weapon as soon as possible - level three - is a far better option. You don't really need a close-range gun early on. If the enemy gets close, use your melee skill. Otherwise, sit well back and pick off the enemy carefully.

It pays to be patient with a Warlock. Enemies are most effectively dispatched by using cover and kite tactics. When you're behind cover or a door, watch where the enemy is moving, let them make the first move, and then just pick them off. Most enemies are impatient, and they're easy to snipe as long as you have decent cover. If your plans go awry and you get flanked or rushed, drop back further and heal. Just remember: it's better to fall back and wait a few seconds to heal than rush in and then waste time having to spawn and re-run whatever you just did.

The Warlock's two subclasses are the oddly-named Voidwalker and Sunsinger. The Void Walker is damage-oriented for the solo players, while the Sunsinger seems to be intended as more of a support character in a Fireteam.

How to Create the Best Warlock in Destiny

Make sure to check out the rest of USgamer'sDestiny Beginner's Guide.

For those of you looking for a more in-depth walkthrough, check out thePrima GamesE-Guide.

