5 Best Android Keyboards


Let's be honest. Swiping isn't for everyone. And sometimes I'd like the ability to turn auto-correct on and off. Or maybe I'd like to give my keyboard a color or skin as an added touch to my OS theme.

Modojo is here with 5 alternative keyboards to personalize you Android device:

1. Swiftkey

Swiftkey offers suggestions for the next word you may type as well as an improved interface that lets you glide through sentences and diatribes like a seasoned pro. If you're someone who's always having to retread and delete words from your text messages and emails due to your iPhone's refusal to store certain words, Swiftkey is definitely a fantastic solution for you.

Download Swiftkey for Android.

2. TouchPal

Looking for an alternative to Swype? You need TouchPal, the closest thing to the speed demon Swype is for those on the Android operating system. It allows you to zip from letter to letter in the most expedient manner possible, and if you're looking to become the most lightning fast typist this side of the States, TouchPal is an invaluable tool. It can take some getting used to, swiping from letter to letter instead of typing to do so, but once you figure out the system you'll wonder how you ever got along without it.

Download TouchPal for Android.

3. FlickKey Keyboard

FlickKey Keyboard Notes may look slightly ominous, but don't let its different key arrangement scare you away. It's actually quite handy, with six square buttons adorned with letters on the top row and punctuation on the bottom. You can choose to either tap or swipe, but no matter what you choose the learning curve isn't steep enough that you'll never get the hang of things. Once you memorize letter placement, you'll be writing novels (or just really long text messages) in no time, lightning fast.

Download FlickKey for Android.

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