Just Words: Tips and Tricks


The battle of wits is on display with Games.com's Just Words. One of Games.com's most popular games, Just Words places you in a wordsmith battle royal against other online opponents or the computer. Instead of lugging around the dictionary for that perfect seven-letter word, here are some tips and tricks to help you throw down the game-winning play without staring at your letters for hours on end.

Know the Power Tiles

There are ten tiles that separate themselves from the rest. Get to know and cherish them when they land on your word bar. The Power Tiles are: the four Ss, J, Q, X, Z, and the two blank tiles. Whenever you play J or Q you receive 10 points and 8 points for using X. The blank tiles allow you to create words anywhere on the board, but have no point value themselves. Avoid using the blank tiles in spaces with a double word or triple letter value space. Finally the four Ss are valuable for their ability to make almost any word plural. You can also find ways to play perpendicular words with Ss as well earning points for both words.

Let it go!

Just like the famous song from the movie Frozen, don't be afraid to let it go and pass your turn! This may seem like a bad play but using valuable letters for a low score can ultimately hurt you in the long run. Using a valuable tile like an S just to score points will seem foolish when you realize you could have easily tripled your score by simply adding an S to your opponent's word. Also, take a moment to look at the board. If the game is stagnant and the words you are calculating aren't that impressive, pass your turn. Holding onto your tiles and allowing your opponent to open the board up can eventually allow you to win the match.

Swapping Tiles


her seemingly risky move for the simple reason that you miss the chance of scoring.
In Just Words you want to constantly be proactive. Staring at tiles of little value wont help you win the game. This is also helpful if you get stuck with multiples of the same letter.

Tip- Take a look at the letters/words on the board. This will give you an educated guess as to what letters are left in the bag. It is a risky move but it can pay off!

Size Doesn't Matter
In Just Words, players usually have the tendency to try and come up with the seven-letter word that will dumbfound your opponent. This isn't the best strategy and also sometimes simply unnecessary. It seems obvious but take time to look at the board and the letters at your disposal. There are dozens of two-letter words that can be used interchangeably with words already on the board. By creating new words and linking them with existing words you can end up with a very high score.

Tip- Take advantage of Just Words' word list option. Near the bottom of the screen you'll see a small book near the bag of tiles. Inside you'll find lists of 2-letter words, 3-letter words, and an all-encompassing list of words that are playable on Just Words. This is an extremely advantageous tool that should be utilized whenever you play!

Location, Location, Location

Always be aware of the triple-word score, double-word score, triple-letter score, and the double-letter score. These spaces are prime real estate and can change the tide of a match. To hold onto a lead, playing defense is necessary. That means occupying the scoring spaces even though you may not score substantial points.

Tip- Try not to create a word that begins or ends within two or three spaces away from a double or triple-word space. This gives your opponent the opportunity to add to your word and then multiply your own score.


Just Words is a great way to test your mental attentiveness and capacity for strategy. Use these tips to ensure your opponent knows that when it comes to a battle of wits there can only be one winner!
