Hunt deer, dinosaurs, and aliens in these mobile games


To be honest, I'm not really a fan of hunting, but I do understand the thrill of the chase - and there are lots of perks with virtual hunting.

You don't have to get down and dirty in the woods. You don't have to risk accidentally shooting your friend or yourself in the foot. You don't have to deal with the criticism of killing live animals. And you don't have to wear hot camo! Or you can if you really want to...

Here is a list of 5 hunting games for your iOS or Android device brought to you by Modojo. Take down wildlife, dinosaurs, and even ALIENS.

Big Buck Hunter Pro ($.99)

Based on the arcade franchise of the same name, Big Buck Hunter Pro is an essential favorite for those who just want to get into the thrill of the hunt, without having to worry about weather conditions or realistic gameplay. This is a quick arcade-style affair, where you'll take on various treks and shoot at everything from deer to small creatures. The higher your score, the more bonus rounds you'll be able to take part in. For good measure, this app also helps you find Big Buck Hunter arcade

Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter Pro (Tatem Games)

Are you tired of hunting the same old animals? Tatem Games may have just what you need with Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter Pro. In this elaborate simulation, you'll hunt down creatures across seven huge environments, using every tool that you possibly can to bring down everything from a Velociraptor to the mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex. You'll need a steady trigger finger and fast feet if you want to survive, though.

Invader Hunter ($2.99)

Finally, if you really want to go out there with your hunting skills, PindiLab's Invader Hunter is one of the best games around. Although it utilizes a more arcade-y style than the other games on this list (and utilizes a third-person perspective), the way it allows you to hunt down intergalactic foes is very cool. In addition, you can unlock new goods, including armor types and weapons, to make yourself a more efficient hunter.

Discover more games and get the links to download the ones above by clicking here!