10 games you will only buy on PS4!


When I purchased my Playstation 3, I chose it because at the time my favorite games the best games were Playstation exclusive. Everyone would gather at my house to play the awesome games they couldn't on their Xbox 360s. I was the cool kid.

To maximize sales many franchises went cross platform and slowly no on cared about my PS3. It's no surprise the Blu-ray technology wasn't enough to keep them around. In fact I caved and bought a 360. I had a serious identity crisis.

But after seeing Sony's press conference at E3 earlier this year, my faith has been restored. The bill of EXCLUSIVE games coming to the PS4 in the coming year looks very promising. I think I'm going to be the cool kid again. Now all I need is that chic white PS4 that will come with the Destiny Bundle this September and I'm groovy.

Prima Games is giving us 10 PS4 Exclusive Games to get Excited About (I know I am!!)

The Order: 1886 (2015)

Ready At Dawn's forthcoming third-person action adventure game looks better each time we see it, introducing new weapons and amazing detail from the foggy city of London. You'll need everything you can get your hands on, because the monsters you'll face in this game aren't your run-of-the-mill demons. No, we're talking speedy little suckers that have no qualms putting you on their menu. Keep that assault rifle at the ready.

Infamous: First Light (August)

Sucker Punch is no stranger to introducing spin-offs in its Infamous series. After releasing Infamous 2 for PlayStation 3 a few years back, it delivered an interesting wrinkle with the vampiric Infamous: Festival of Blood. This year, it's doing it again for PlayStation 4 with Infamous: First Light. While the game's surroundings are quite similar to the previously released Second Son, this time around, you play as a new character named Fetch, who enters the picture with her own special powers and side story. Like Festival of Blood, you won't need the original Infamous game to play it – though practicing certainly doesn't hurt.

Let It Die (2015)

Little is known about the forthcoming PS4 exclusive from Suda 51 and his team at Grasshopper Interactive. However, we do know that like his previous work, Shadows of the Damned and Killer 7, it'll be incredibly twisted and loaded with the kind of over-the-top violence that makes the No More Heroes saga look like a walk in the park. Don't be surprised if Let It Die becomes one of 2015's big sleeper hits.

Abzu (2015)

Although this isn't thatgamecompany's long-awaited follow-up to Journey, Abzu does feature several minds that worked on that beautiful project, so you have a pretty good idea what to expect. This gorgeous adventure takes you underwater and focuses heavily on exploration, as you dive deeper into the blue waters where a few surprises will no appear. This is sure to be a downloadable gem when it releases next year.

Bloodborne (2015)

This one's in development at From Software (think Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2), so you already have a good idea of what you're getting into with Bloodborne. After all, this team already championed gutsy action adventure gameplay, and will continue to do so with this stunning next-gen achievement. You can expect plenty of enemies to challenge you, along with the tools needed to cut them down to size. In addition, the PlayStation 4's horsepower will allow you to explore even bigger lands than Dark Souls 2, with new dangers lurking around every turn.

The list continues, click here!
