Watch Dogs delivers with more DLC!


For all of us Watch Dogs fans who just can't get enough, Ubisoft delivered this week with all new DLC! The downloadable content adds three new missions and comes with a patch that fixes multiplayer mode and eliminates game breaking bugs.

To anyone who has yet to play this exciting, open world, action-adventure game, let me tell you a bit about it. In Watch Dogs, you play a vigilante/hacker/genius by the name of Adam Pierce. After a tragic accident kills his niece Lena, Aiden seeks to bring justice and take revenge on the people responsible, all while protecting his family and friends. To help his cause, he has a hacking device that allows him to advantageously break into Chicago's infrastructure. You advance in the game by completing a series of missions that bring you closer to the truth.

In this superb video, Shacknews takes us through the real-life/in-game comparisons of Chicago. Honestly, I spent as much time touring virtual Chicago as I did actually completing missions - it's that marvelous.

Also check out their Guide to Chicago where we see the best of Chicago on its baddest behavior...
