8 reasons Samsung should fear iPhone 6


With almost 300 million smartphones sold in 2013, Samsung knocked Apple off its pedestal as the top-selling smartphone maker in the world.

Models like the Galaxy S4 and this year's Galaxy S5 introduced a number of new features that enticed consumers and made Samsung the powerhouse it is today. Now, Apple is on the eve of debuting the new iPhone, presumably to be called the iPhone 6.

Rumors of integrated health features (like the ability to read your heart rate and glucose levels) and a new version of iOS surround the upcoming release of iPhone 6, and from what we've heard, it looks to be a beast. The new iPhone is also certain to come in two different sizes: a 4.7-inch screen, and a larger 5.5-inch display that should be easy to view.

All of this news is sure to shake the folks at Samsung, who obviously want to hold onto the top spot during the upcoming holiday season. Modojo has put together a list of 8 reasons why the iPhone 6 scares Samsung, and we have a few of them listed here.

#1) User Accessibility

iPhone has always been extremely user-friendly, and the new iOS 8 should continue to improve the experience of using your phone. The new software runs faster and will include new and improved features like fingerprint technology, which could make this device even more desirable... and unlike the Galaxy S5, the new iOS promises you won't get lost in a series of menus.

#2) Even Better Technology

The iPhone 6 is stepping it up in the gaming department with new technologies that should enhance the playing experience for players and inspire developers to create. Although Samsung and Android have captured the hearts of gamers in the past, the iOS App store continues to be the go-to place for the best games. With a 20-nanometer A8 chip from TSMC, we expect superior graphics and faster, more seamless gameplay. Who's ready for Real Racing?

#3) A Greater Display

It's rumored the iPhone 6 will have a model that clocks in with a 5.5-inch screen - a larger display than previous models. This will be great for the consumers who envy Samsung's larger screens. What will make these screens better than others on the market is the eye-catching Retina Display because higher resolutions promise better color definition and gorgeous display.

#4) More Features than Ever Before

With improved technology comes the potential for more apps for more purposes we haven't even thought about. From film- and picture-editing to advanced social media tools, we predict the iPhone 6 will have some cool new tricks to boast about and there will be no better stage to show them off other than the sharp Retina display.

For the other four reasons Samsung might be shaking in their boots, head over to Modojo for the complete list!
