The Sims 4 sneak-peek: building a new world


The Sims is a venerable gaming franchise that most gamers have played, either on the PC and Mac, on any number of console iterations, or even on your phone. Now we have more details on the latest edition to the series, The Sims 4, which was shown off at the recent E3 2014 event in Los Angeles.

In previous versions of the game, you could create your own characters, but the creation tools in The Sims 4 are extremely impressive. Now, with the click of a mouse, you can create the most realistic Sims you've ever seen. Everything from facial structure to body type is changeable, and the tweaks continue to personality traits and skills.

Creating your house has the same level of customization, and the big addition in The Sims 4 is the ability to upload or download user-created houses and furniture. We've spent tons of time creating our special habitats, and The Sims 4 gallery mode allows us to share our work with the world.

Additionally, The Sims games always took emotions and relationships into account, but The Sims 4 takes it to a new level with contagious emotions. Have you ever had someone walk into the room and affect everyone in it, either positively or negatively, with their behavior? Yup, that's the level of detail we're talking about.

For more on this exciting title, head over to Shacknews for a robust The Sims 4 preview, and keep it here as we get closer to the game's release.
