10 Tough Money Questions You Must Ask Your Future Spouse


Congratulations on your pending nuptials! There's nothing like finding the person you want to spend your life with. But at the risk of dumping a bucket of cold water over your romance, here's an awkward question for you: Have you run a credit check on this character?

Or, putting it another way, your marriage is "for richer or for poorer." Wouldn't you rather know now which it's going to be?

"Few people speak about the link between finance and relationships, yet money often acts as a major contributing factor to divorce," said Joshua Kadish, a partner at RPG-Life Transition Specialists, an Illinois wealth-management firm. "Understanding how to navigate through financial challenges and preparing for the future will allow you to build a strong financial foundation for your relationship."

That might sound reasonable if unromantic. But a survey just released by Experian (EXPR), the credit rating agency, says that the credit score is the top financially-related topic that couples do not discuss before marrying. In fact, the survey says, 14 percent of couples don't talk about it after the marriage, either.

And yet, survey respondents said that financial responsibility matters more than physical attractiveness. And financial compatibility ranked above sex, religion and politics.

It may feel awkward. The conversation may be embarrassing. But here are 10 questions you really should ask your partner before you get married.
