We've Moved!

Exterior view of custom built home with exterior lighting and manicured landscaping.
David Papazian

Welcome to our newly redesigned AOL Real Estate, now on AOL.com for easier-than-ever access.

In addition to our new look – which is now perfectly suited for viewing on a mobile device – we're adding more content from more partners in order cover all of the things that keep homeowners up at night: whether you're questioning how to decorate a room, how to increase your home's value, or how to sell your home, we're here to help make it easier for you.

Rest assured, however, that amidst all of these changes, the things you've come to love about AOL Real Estate remain unchanged: industry-leading home, rental and home valuation listings from Zillow are still front and center, and our incredibly helpful Zillow Mortgage Marketplace is here to stay.

In short, we're excited about our new clean, mobile-friendly design, our new partnerships and, of course, our new location on AOL.com. We hope you are too.

From our home to yours, happy buying, selling, renting – and remodeling!
