Top Tips from 2014 Commencement Speeches

Charlie Day

College and high school graduations are in full swing. Alongside the pomp and circumstance come the highly celebrated commencement speeches from politicians, business executives and celebrities. Here's a sweep of celebrity career tips from 2014 commencement exercises.

Charlie Day:

"It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia' actor Charlie Day spoke to the graduates of his alma mater, Merrimack College.

"Create a job instead of waiting for it to happen. Don't wait for your break, make your break. Make it happen for yourself."

"I don't think you should do what makes you happy. I think you should do what makes you great. What's uncomfortable and scary, what pays off in the long run. Be willing to fail. Let yourself fail. Without this struggle – what is success anyway?"

"You are going to change the world in big ways and in small."

And adding a bit of humor, "I sound like a 10-year-old smoker."

Katie Couric VF 2012 Shankbone 2

Katie Couric

The talk show host addressed the class of 2014 at American University.

"You are entering the professional world at a time of breathtaking change and uncertainty. But I am very excited about the future. And I think you should be too."

"A solid work ethic, a lot of initiative, a positive attitude will serve you well."

"I have faced setbacks and disappointments and sorry to say so will all of you. You may take some wrong turns and lose your way but you'll get back on track."

"Do what's best and what works for you. Only you know when to lean in, lean out or lie down."

Elin Nordegren Graduates From Rollins College
Getty Images

Elin Nordegren

Elin Nordegren (Tiger Woods' ex-wife), was chosen as the Outstanding Senior of Rollins College earning a 3.96 GPA.

"When I entered my student adviser office in the fall of 2005 I was 25 years old and had just recently moved to America. I was married without children. Today, nine years later, I'm a proud American and I have two beautiful children...but I'm no longer married."

"Education is the one thing that no one can take away from you."

"Every single day we each have an opportunity to keep on learning and to infuse the learning with meaning. I believe we each have the responsibility to pass on the importance of education to our children and future generations."

Noisemakers with Peter Rosenberg Featuring Diddy

Sean Combs

Sean Combs formally known as Puff Daddy, P. Diddy and Diddy addressed the students of Howard University. He dropped out of Howard to pursue his music career.

"I can't wait to live in the world you are about to create...I can't wait to watch you change the world."

" I want you to remember three things, Number one, I want you to never be afraid to make a decision. Be decisive. Don't be afraid to fail. Be fearless. Number 2, I want you to remember the power of you. You are the most powerful generation this world has ever seen. Number three, Can't stop, won't stop."

"I don't want you to dream. I want you to do. Close your eyes and dream. Then open your eyes and see."

Sandra Bullock

Sandra Bullock

Sandra Bullock spoke at Warren Easton Charter High School in New Orleans. Bullock donated to the school after it was damaged by Hurricane Katrina.

"Stop worrying so much. Stop being afraid of the unknown."

"Raise the bar higher."

"Nothing is a failure; it's just not supposed to work out that way. Something better is supposed to come along."

Yellen NYU Commencement

Janet Yellin, Chairwoman of the Federal Reserve, spoke at NYU's 2014 commencement.

"Listening to others, especially those with whom we disagree, tests our own ideas and beliefs. It forces us to recognize, with humility, that we don't have a monopoly on the truth."

"There is an unfortunate myth that success is mainly determined by something called "ability." But research indicates that our best measures of these qualities are unreliable predictors of performance in academics or employment. Psychologist Angela Lee Duckworth says that what really matters is a quality she calls "grit"--an abiding commitment to work hard toward long-range goals and to persevere through the setbacks that come along the way."

"Serious decisions about life surely lie ahead, but take the time to savor the joys, large and small that come along the way. Share those joys with others, and share a laugh when you can."

> Watch this awesome Navy SEAL Commander address the University of Texas, Austin
