Game of the Day: Vector Runner Remix


Got quick reflexes? Nerves of steel? A passion for a kickin' rad electronic soundtrack? Well get your thumbs ready for the rush of excitement that can only come from playing Vector Runner REMIX!

Vector Runner Remix is fast-paced, side-scrolling, retro platformer where you, the driver of this crazy neon car must stay on track, avoid obstacles, and collect powercubes; all while a hardcore techno beat blasts in the background. It starts off nice and easy, with just a few jumps and obstacles to get past, but just a few seconds in and the danger starts flying right into your face! You better be groovin' with the beat by then!

And best of all: this game is playable on both your computer and your mobile device, without any downloads at all!

Warning: This game is highly addictive. Be prepared before you

Play Vector Runner Remix!
