A 20-Hour-a-Week Job Can Lead to 40


Marc Robbins Neighbors-helping-Neighbors USA Success Story Number 388.

<b class="credit">Marc Robbins</b>
Marc Robbins

Some folks consider themselves long-term unemployed if they haven't found a job by the time their initial 26 weeks have gone by and others give up even looking after a period of time. Enter Marc Robbins – both he and his wife found themselves searching for work at the same time. While Marc's wife landed first, both of them are proud members of NhN and now with Marc's recent return to the workforce, both can breathe a sigh of relief that their family will prevail.

Marc began his new part-time job in his long-term field of accounts payable after a six-year search. He joined NhN after its early inception. John Sinclair had referred him and he soon began to count on the members of the River Edge, New Jersey group for the courage he needed to stay on a positive emotional track. "NHN really brought me spirits up every week and I enjoyed meeting people who could do that for each other," he shared. With NhN's guidance, Marc learned the value of becoming involved in LinkedIn and he devoted a portion of his day to nurture and network with the people he met. He soon realized its power for research and follow-up during the job search.

Other avenues, including job fairs and attempts to work with recruiters left him disheartened. "I really began to feel that once I was out-of-work for six months that the stigma of the long-term unemployed was real and working against me," Marc acknowledged.

I did my best to encourage Marc through his longer-than-average search and the NhN meetings were a guiding force.

Most job seekers today go through a series of interviews before they land and Marc was no different. He enjoyed the ability to share his experiences with his group. When he finally progressed into his current role in a New Jersey accounts payable job, he weathered multiple reschedulings of his interviews due to snowstorms. He completed two in-person interviews and remains flexible for his job schedule. He is hopeful that hard work will earn him the opportunity for full-time work. Meanwhile, he is delighted to be getting up and going to work, meeting new colleagues and reports that the workforce at his job is welcoming.

Marc's advice to job seekers is not to lose hope. "Getting negative doesn't get you anywhere and keeping your spirits up is the most important thing you can do besides networking." He would tell himself, "I am going to get this job" and then follow-up on each attempt as John had advised him. He dedicated his mornings to job seeking, mid-day to networking, and afternoons to follow-ups. He made sure he was up and at it by 8 a.m. daily.

Marc reserved evenings for family-time. "I have no clue where our family would be today without the support of NhN," he admits. "Because of what John created, both my wife and I benefited and our family ultimately had tremendous pressure relieved. He will continue to work to achieve his goal of full-time employment and hopes to maintain his NhN friendships.

John R. Fugazzie is founder and president ofNeighbors-helping-Neighbors USA Inc.and provides a wide range of Job search education and resources through SmartJobHunting America . John@nhnusa.org
Neighbors-helping-Neighbors USA
Smart Job Hunting
