Soft Skill: Flexibility


In today's competitive job market, no title is too firm and no list of requirements is so rigid that it can't shift or expand, amoeba-like, at a moment's notice. If you're a TV producer, you should also expect to write, edit, and know how to point a camera. If you're a store manager, be prepared to spend some time on the sales floor. At the rate we're going, we'll be asking our waste collectors to deliver mail and write insightful personal essays. The words "that's not my job" are no longer meaningful in the modern workplace, meaning flexibility--always an important quality--is more essential than ever.

But how do you prove you're adaptable without stepping on someone else's toes, or downplaying the things that made you fall in love with your job in the first place? Fortunately, AOL Jobs has rounded up the best advice on flexibility from around the web, so take a look.
