Lunchtime Live! Meet the Worker Advocate [REPLAY]


The live chat is over but you can replay the entire segment above.

Take a 30-minute break to study up on some employment law! It's AOL Jobs Week and we're talking to a special guest who specializes in all things litigious and work-related in our Google Hangout on Thursday, Feb. 13, starting at 12:30 PM ET.

Laurie Petersen, editor-in-chief, AOL Jobs, will host a conversation with:

Donna Ballman, an employment attorney and regular contributor to AOL Jobs. She has represented clients and written extensively on topics including negotiating severance agreements and litigating discrimination, sexual harassment and noncompete agreements since 1986. She also runs the blog Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home.

Use hashtag #JobsWeek on Twitter or the AOL Jobs Facebook page to ask questions before and during the event.

> View earlier Jobs Week Lunchtime Live events.

> Enjoy more of Jobs Week 2014.
