Lunchtime Live! Meet The Breadwinning Moms [REPLAY]


The chat is over, but you can replay the entire 30-minute segment above.

What happens to relationships where the mom is the primary breadwinner?

Discuss this and more at our Lunchtime Live! on Friday, Feb. 14 at 12:30 ET.

While 29 percent of partnered mothers in the U.S. earn more than their spouses, a fifth of these breadwinners say they wish the roles were reversed. In a new survey, the Working Mother Research Institute finds whether breadwinning moms embrace their role or dislike it correlates strongly with how satisfied they are in their work and home lives. (Download the full Breadwinning Moms: The Working Mother Report)

Laurie Petersen, editor-in-chief, AOL Jobs (and a breadwinning mom) leads a conversation with:

Jennifer Owens, editorial director of the Working Mother Research Institute and Working Mother.

Breadwinning Mom Catherine Merritt will also join the conversation.
