Lunchtime Live! Create Your Own Career Luck With J.T. O'Donnell Tuesday [REPLAY]


This chat is over but you can watch the full half-hour segment above.

Take a 30-minute break to put some power behind your job search and go for the gold! It's AOL Jobs Week and we've got a special guest in our Google Hangout today at 12:30 PM ET.

J.T. O'Donnell, coach behind AOL's Career Luck Project

Creating Your Own Career L.U.C.K.
The Secret to Making Things Happen

The most common complaint heard from hard working professionals today is they don't feel truly in control of their careers. Landing a job or getting a promotion can seem impossible. If you're one of the millions of Americans who think career success and satisfaction is out of your reach -- this session is for you.

In it you'll learn:

  • Why most professionals are missing key skill sets needed to create a successful career.

  • How to spot what's truly sabotaging your ability to succeed.

  • The 4 steps to creating your own career L.U.C.K.

Bookmark this page and return to it to join the live session.

If you have questions you want to ask before the event, please email them to CareerLuck (at)

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