How I Landed a Great Job in 5 Months After 50

<b class="credit">Courtesy Rhona Bronson</b>Age 50 is not a career death sentence
Courtesy Rhona BronsonAge 50 is not a career death sentence

I cringe whenever I hear pundits telling audiences that unemployment after age 50 is a career death sentence. It may be harder after 50, but there is hope and opportunity. After being out of work for five months, I landed a senior-level job with decent pay and hope my success can bring hope to others surrounded by prevailing negativity.

The key in getting and succeeding at interviews was proving that, regardless of age, I had mastered the four R's –Relevance, Resiliency, Responsibility and business 'Rithmetic. And if that weren't enough, I had to show how I was different.
