Join Us For AOL Jobs Week 2014 - You Deserve To Love Your Job

road to new year 2014

Don't miss a moment of the excitement of Jobs Week from Feb. 10 - 14. This year promises more programming and useful takeaways than ever.

Sign up today to receive a DAILY AOL Jobs email alert with the full lineup every morning.

The first email with a complete programming preview will go out this Sunday.

> We kick off with Sunday Night Live! a conversation with successful job seekers and those on the hunt. This special Google Hangout is at 9 pm Eastern. Watch the Replay of the Jobs Week Kick-Off Hangout.

Hold the time now for daily Lunchtime Live sessions from 12:30 pm to 1 pm Eastern.

> On Monday, we'll hear from even more people who have successfully landed new jobs.

> Tuesday brings Career Luck from J.T. O'Donnell

> Wednesday offers more advice for the way work is today.

> Thursday is your chance to talk with Donna Ballman, our employee advocate who also practices employment law.

> Friday is a 'love'ly wrapup with Working Mother and some families where moms are the chief breadwinners talking about new research into moms as breadwinners.

You Deserve To Love Your Job
You Deserve To Love Your Job
