'Old' Porn Gang at Kansas Gas Gets Almost $1M In Age Discrimination Suit

<b class="credit">KCTV</b>Dennis Janes alleged he was fired for his age, not watching porn
KCTVDennis Janes alleged he was fired for his age, not watching porn

Looking at porn and passing it around on company time often puts you on a fast track out the door, like the Daytona Beach police officer allegedly forced to resign because of having hundreds of pornographic pictures on her work computer (two dozen of which were supposedly of her). Managers tend to object.

So, it may not be completely surprising how four workers at Kansas Gas Service might have been terminated in 2010, especially as the company had a written policy against having pornographic material on its systems. The unusual part is that the former employees successfully sued Kansas Gas for alleged age discrimination and were just awarded $917,035, according to the Kansas City Star.
