Colder Than Winter: Getting Fired Via Facebook

<b class="credit">Facebook/Brooke Adams</b>Brooke Adams worked at a New Zealand fast food franchise location that fired her over Facebook.
Facebook/Brooke AdamsBrooke Adams worked at a New Zealand fast food franchise location that fired her over Facebook.

Getting fired is never fun. Neither is firing someone. Who wants to feel like the bad guy while someone pleads, cries, or otherwise tugs on the heartstrings? So, sometimes the powers that be find intentionally impersonal ways to give workers the official heave ho, rather than facing the person they're about to send packing.

The arms-length treatment used to be a phone call, or even email, and even that was considered tacky by experts. But things have only become worse, like the Florida restaurant owner who fired everyone via text messages. And now there's a new variation: firing someone via Facebook.
