3 Years and Counting: How Neighbors-helping-Neighbors USA Inc. Job Search Support and Networking Group Came To Be

Group of business colleagues showing unity
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As today is the third anniversary of Neighbors-helping-Neighbors USA Inc. (NhN USA), I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to go back and talk a little about how it all got started. For those of you who don't know, NhN USA is a not-for-profit job search support and networking group that helps those who are unemployed or underemployed improve their chances for success in their job search campaigns.

How it works
We hold small (approx. 10-15 members) weekly meetings, where members are encouraged to "pay it forward" by helping one another improve their job search skills. Members can discuss and find assistance for their employment-seeking activities, strategies, and techniques, as well as help keep each other positive and motivated throughout this difficult time. Building strong networking skills is essential to the job search process today, and we are major advocates of using LinkedIn as a key tool in this process. This is the NhN LinkedIn group.
