NYC Doormen Have A New Duty: Spotting Elder Abuse

New York City Doormen Strike Possible If Contract Agreement Not Met
Getty ImagesA doorman, who preferred not to be identified, stands outside of his building on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.

By Jim Fitzgerald

NEW YORK (AP) - New York's doormen are being enlisted as an army of eyes to look for signs of elder abuse: a stranger picking up the mail, the sudden presence of a rarely seen relative with an attitude, a bruise.

"Doormen know everything that's going on," Joy Solomon said before conducting a training session for doormen, porters and other apartment workers, fittingly held over the din of whirring dryers in the laundry room of a Manhattan building. "They know who's going in, who's going out. They have access and they have a relationship of trust. They're a friendly face."
