5 Tips To Keep Your Job-Hunting Anxiety At Bay

Concerned young woman looking at laptop
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By Alison Green

Looking for a job is one of the most frustrating and anxiety-producing experiences that we have in our adult lives, especially if the search stretches on longer than anticipated. If you're one of the many people who is finding that your search is taking months longer than what was typical in previous job markets, here are five ways to make this maddening process easier on yourself.

1. Don't take it personally.

It's tempting to take it personally when you're rejected for a job that you thought you were perfect for or when you don't hear back from an employer after they promised they'd call. Rather than becoming offended, hurt, bitter or starting to feel like a failure, you'll be far better served by removing your emotions from the equation as much as you can. Job hunting is filled with rejections, even for great candidates, and if you take the way employers treat you as a measure of your worth, you'll never want to get out of bed again.
