The 5 Best Things to Buy in January

January Sale UK sign shop window and child running, Lion Yard, Cambridge England

January can be an overlooked and underrated month when it comes to shopping. Not only have we been sated by the holiday season, our hearts are warm and full with recent moments spent with dear friends and family. At the same time, we're invigorated by the thought of clean slate that a new year brings.

However, along with New Year's resolutions and warm hearts, January brings some really great shopping deals.

Christmas and Winter Goods

Post-holidays, many retailers discount their holiday merchandise and winter-related products in an effort to make room for spring wares. Consequently, now's definitely the time to stock up on next year's winter must-haves. Holiday decor, including wreaths, twinkly lights, displays and even themed kitchenware are all deeply discounted online and in stores. And because retailers already have their minds tuned in to swimwear season, they're dropping prices on sweaters, boots, denim, leather and outerwear.


If you've been thinking about buying a new car, now's the time to pull the trigger. Throughout January and February, you'll find enticing discounts on both used and new models. You'll also discover that it's far easier to haggle and negotiate in a season where fewer people are buying cars.%VIRTUAL-article-sponsoredlinks% The main reason automobiles go on sale this time of year is because drivers don't want to drive their shiny new rides through the snow or salt, so they wait until winter's over to buy. But dealerships are quite familiar with the trend of buying once the ground thaws, which makes it quite difficult to bargain for a better deal come spring, writes Forbes.

Fine Jewelry

Quick! Get your jewelry purchases in during the bling-buying lull. Early January is one of the best times to buy fine jewelry because there aren't any major holidays to splurge on. The next big spending holiday won't arrive until Valentine's Day, so retailers are now just twiddling their thumbs. Instead of waiting until the last minute to buy for her (or snag a pretty piece for yourself), take advantage of post-Christmas sales before prices on jewelry go up in February.

Big Ticket Electronics

Miss out on those blowout prices on electronics this past Black Friday? Or maybe you've been saving up your holiday gift money for a big TV, flashy camera or gaming system? Either way, January is one of the best times to buy big-ticket electronics thanks to the Consumer Electronics Show, where all sorts of fancy technologies are unveiled to industry gurus and retailers. Many people upgrade to the newer stuff and retailers put last year's goods on discount to make room for the new money-makers. For those interested in seeing the latest tech live, CES runs from Jan. 7 to Jan. 10 at the Las Vegas Convention Center.

Fitness Merchandise

If you've resolved to get in shape this year -- or simply need an upgrade or new exercise goods -- January is one of the best times to buy fitness equipment. According to MSN Money, "There has been almost double the number of deals in January." Those deals will also spill over into February, so if you need to shop around before committing to anything, you have a little bit of time. Look for everything from big-item fitness equipment, including treadmills, ellipticals and complete home gyms, and accessories such as weights, bands, DVDs and apparel.
