3 Ways Companies Create Gender Equality

<b class="credit">AOL On</b>The new CEO of GM Mary Barra
AOL OnThe new CEO of GM Mary Barra

The glass ceiling remains hard to shatter. That's the main takeaway from the annual census report on women in the workplace just released by the New York-based non-profit women's research group, Catalyst. The results of the census found that women only hold 16.9 percent of corporate board seats among the Fortune 500. And that figure has essentially been flat for the past eight years.

The executive suite remains similarly stagnant, with women occupying 14.6 percent of all c-suite positions. That number, for its part, hasn't seen major movement in the past four years. And so the tapping of a woman, Mary Barra, to be the next CEO of GM remains the exception and not the rule.
