Dating A Co-Worker: Do's And Don'ts

Male office worker presenting heart ring to female colleague, portrait
Getty Images

By Vivian Giang

Since about a third of our time is spent at the office, it's not surprising that romance can easily spark between colleagues. At work, you're often surrounded by bright, driven people who understand your work stress and worries at the office, so dating a colleague is actually pretty common, says career coach Barbara Pachter.

"[Work] is where people meet a lot of people. It's either there or online dating," Pachter, author of the book "The Essentials Of Business Etiquette," tells Business Insider.

According to a Payscale office romance report, 15% of the 42,000 respondents said they would date someone they work with. And one out of five people who gave romance with a coworker a shot ended up marrying their colleague.

However, there are some basic rules to keep in mind when dating someone you work with. Below, Pachter tells us the most important do's and don'ts you should follow.
