EA Stock Drops Due to Battlefield 4 Problems


Battlefield 4 has been having some major issues since its release. Bugs, glitches, dropped server connections, and even no server connections are just a few of the common issues frustrating players - and now there are economic consequences for EA, the game's developer.

The Escapist reports that EA's stock is down 7.3% "after an announcement yesterday that all future work on downloadable content for Battlefield 4 has been halted" so the company can focus on fixing the issues at hand. EA guarantees that fixing the game is "a priority," but admits that they "still have a ways to go" in regards to solving all of the issues.

Check out the video below to learn more about specific bugs - especially those that concern the new DLC pack, "China Rising," - and let us know what you think.

EA Stock Drops After Launch of Problematic Battlefield 4
EA Stock Drops After Launch of Problematic Battlefield 4
